The bulldozers that tear down Woyane’s wall of division and the mercenaries that protect it
Tribute to the countless Ethiopians that tear-down the walls of ethnic and religious divide and kept Ethiopians together and Woyane on the run. It earns them the honor of ‘terrorist’ by the regime that terrorizes the people of Ethiopia. Without them we would be watching each other over our shoulders while Woyane destroy our unity as we are watching being robed in daylight.
The struggle must zero-in on TPLF’s ringleaders and their ‘mercenaries’ that are the tool of the regime’s division and extortion; causing havoc in our society. The time has come for all Ethiopians to stand together and flash out the agents and the mercenaries by organizing search and capture team to bring them to justice.
Not dismantling the institutions of ethnic tyranny fast enough and everywhere is a luxury we can’t afford as people.
by Teshome Debalke
The Ethiopian ruling minority junta must have underestimated Ethiopians’ resolve demanding its peaceful surrender without causing more destruction than what it already did. Woyane and its hired mercenaries must be made to understand they are signing their death wish when they embarked to erect ethnic and religious wall against the people of Ethiopia. The mastermind of the hoax, the late tyrant Melse Zenawi and his accomplices missed a one-in-life-time opportunity given to them to do right. Instead, they misused it to destroy lives, livelihoods and property and the unity and integrity of our people and country to create an ethnic banana empire on the back of Ethiopians.
Months, years and decades passed Ethiopians waiting patiently when a onetime self declared enemy of Ethiopia venture in recreating her in its image as a collection of ethnic group led by hand picked ‘mercenaries’ dressed up as Presidents of Ethnic Regions of Federal Republic of Ethiopia.
What is more fascinating about TPLF is its ability to organize an assortment of ethnic mercenaries in what it calls ‘Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front’ (EPRDF) while Ethiopians are made to watch each other by propaganda of division. Ever since, the ‘mercenaries’ that suppose to rule their designated ‘Ethnic Region’ under the command of TPLF’s hit men in uniform posed as National Defense and Federal Police Force are paraded to accomplish the dream of Woyane.
In London, addressing the Diaspora he talked about Renaissance Dam in a ‘Region’ wherehe privately labels the people of the region as the ‘enemy of Tigre and Somali people’ while telling the gullible Diaspora to dole their hard earn money in the name Dam project and how good ‘Growth and Transformation Plan’ is developing the country and his designated Region as coached by his TPLF handlers. When he was dispatched to give a staged eulogy of Melse; praising the ‘great leader’ he is there to spew the scripted speech written for him by TPLF handlers; struggling to read.
Photo Prime Minster Hailemariam Desalegn, (SNNP) Abdi Mohammud (Somali), Dmeke Mekonnen, (Amhara,) Ahmed Nasir (Benishangul Gumuz), Omot Obang Olom (Ogaden), Abay Woldu (Tigray) Ismael Ali Siro (Afar), Alemayehu Atomsa (Oromia), Shiferaw Shigute (SNNP)
In contrast, the same man tells the exact opposite to the people in the Region designated for him by TPLF; confessing the propaganda of Growth and Transformation is an empty drama cooked by TPLF as he plead guilty to be a puppet of TPLF as the leaked video reviled.
TPLF appointed villain Abdi Mohammud, referred as ‘illiterate killer’, by a prominent Ethiopian journalist from the Region, Mohamed Hassan; doing the dirty job of TPLF. He,along Ahmed Nasir of Benishangul Gumuz, Omot Obang Olom of Ogaden, Shiferaw Shigute of Southern Nation and Nationalities of People (SNNP) and Alemayehu Atomsa of Oromia are among the accused in ethnic cleansing and serious human right violation and corruption in their respective Region. Likewise, the others have piles of human right violation and economic crimes including corruption in their region in collaboration with TPLF security agencies.
Te notorious ‘Tigray President’ Abay Woldu of TPLF is accused of making the region his personal property and a virtual open-air prison. He is accused for various crimes against the population including forced labor and assassination for just being oppositions’ sympathizer are some of his offenses. The most feared warlord of the region is known for his uncompromising stand with in TPLF is believe to commit countless crime on civilians during the ‘war of liberation’ and later as an official of the regime. Tigray became isolated as his play ground and war trophy. Some consider him out of touch from reality acting like a Head of State of an independent Republic of Tigray.
The reality is the desperate regime of Woyane/EPRDF’s survival depends on TPLF’s hand picked mercenaries posed as Presidents of the Ethnic Regions and Ministers of various Ministries including the Prime Minstership Hailemariam Desalegn preside. As sad as it is for Revolutionary Democracy of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia the truth is making the agents-of-death and distraction scramble to save a regime on life support to avoid responsblity for their conspiracy to commit crime against te people of Ethiopia.
Furthermore, TPLF/Woyane and the collection of hand picked stooges and mercenaries zeroed in on the economy to accomplish their grand historical crime against Ethiopians where TPLF’s Growth and Transformation comes in handy for their survival. By unleashing Mercenaries posed as leaders and armed cadres posed as Ethiopian Defense and Security force to grab whatever they like as a compensation for their loyalty and cruelty. Thus, TPLF created a mercenary economy and corrupt ethnic terror states on the back of Ethiopians. The no-way-out situation TPLF and its Mercenaries put themselves in is where their scramble to save the rotten system of Apartheid making them more dangerous than ever.
Most, if not all Woyane stooges have no idea what they got themselves in; except joining the party of TPLF’s robbery to fatten their little bellies. Fed massive dosage of elaborate ethnic propaganda cooked in TPLF’s kitchen by no other than the Master Chief Berket Simon (an Eritrean national) and distributed by Woyane cadres’ network of ‘Medias’ in-and-out of the country. Ethiopian Television (ETV), Ethiopia Radio, Radio Fana, the Voice of the Revolution of Tigray, Walta, Reporter, Fortune… as well as Aiga, Tigray Net, Ethiopiafirst Ethiopia Observer in the Diaspora are some of the outlets disturbing the peace of Ethiopians and diverting the burning issue of freedom and democracy.
Cadres and apologist of TPLF/Woyane in Diaspora
One thing we all should learn from Woyane is its organization skill for distraction. Organization, even for purpose of sustaining atrocious and corrupt regime works. Thus, Woyane’s ability to organize its cadres for division, diversion and corruption is the one and only asset it has to extend its rule. But, like everything distractive it can’t sustain the test of time. It is important to make a note here: Ethiopians who struggle for good causes couldn’t organize to stop Woyane’s organized distraction for two decade; detracted by the regime diversion and failing to agree on the important issues.
The well positioned cadres in Diaspora are a good example of TPLF’s organization for distraction at work. Hiding their identity and assigned to run propaganda outlets disguised as Media, Forums, conference… the same cadres come as commentators, researchers, experts, apologists, average Joe… to counter any opposing news, reports, conference, demonstration…coming out of the Diaspora and the international community that shows the brutality and corruption of the TPLF regime. Some goes to portray themselves as Ethiopian American, independent observer or as an average Ethiopian offering opinion…
A Good case of cadres of ethnic tyranny in Diaspora at work is Araya Wolde-Giorgis, Ph.D. and Yared B. Mekonnen of ‘Ethiopian American Forum’. For unsuspecting Ethiopian they look like a couple of Ethiopians in Diaspora expressing their opinion in a forum as ‘supporters of development’ (agents no longer identify themselves by TPLF instigated Regions but as Ethiopians supporting development). In a piece titled ‘Editorial comments on the blocking of The Abay Dam bond sales by anarchists and Muslim Extremists’ they expressed their comments;
“Supporting the Abay Dam has nothing to do with supporting or opposing EPRDF (i.e. the current Government). The Abay Dam will promote economic development in Ethiopia among other things. Above all, during the five-year Italian Occupation in the 1930s, Mussolini built several roads and bridges in Ethiopia and those roads and bridges have been helping the Ethiopian people to this day despite the fact millions of Ethiopians were tortured or killed by Mussolini and Graziani. Therefore, it does not matter at all who builds the Abay Dam whether a brutal regime like Mussolini or Hitler, or Governments like that of Haile Selassie, Mengistu or EPRDF, since the Abay Dam will last for ever while all governments will go away in time. Therefore, all Ethiopians who truly love Ethiopia should support the Abay Dam without any reservation.”
They went on to say
“Besides, all who oppose the Abay Dam, directly or indirectly are supporting Ethiopia’s historical enemies like Egypt whether they like it or not. Egypt has been threatening to demolish the Abay Dam if and when it is built, and has successfully prevented the World Bank and other International Agencies from providing Ethiopia with Grants or Loans or any other financial assistance that Ethiopia needs to build the Abay Dam.”
To their credit, the two deceptive agents of ethnic tyranny alike their partners are brave enough to revile their identity. But, they are not new in the business of diversion and deception. According to ‘Ethiopia Observer’ the two along another individual by the nameBereket Gebre-Egziabher that refer themselves as ‘Ethiopian Americans’ wrote a letter to Senator McCain, the ranking Senator from the State of Arizona dated October 19, 2007. Their letter protests The Human Right Bill (HR 2003) introduced by Congressman Payne and Smith of New Jersey that passed the US House of Representative awaiting vote in US Senate. The Bill was to institute economic sanction on the Ethiopian regime for human right violation and to make the offending officials responsible for their atrocities.
In concluding their letter they said;
“In addition, the opposition party members have condemned the Ethiopian Government’s decision to fight against terrorists like ICU and ONLF despite the fact these organizations are supported by Al-Qaeda and are great threats to Ethiopia and the United States. Moreover, the opposition party has also created an alliance with the enemies of the Ethiopian people i.e. ONLF, Eritrea and OLF among other groups. Therefore, we believe that the opposition will lose the support of the Ethiopian people as EPRP lost its popular support in 1977 when it supported the Somali invasion against Ethiopia in which most Ethiopians rallied behind Mengistu to defeat the Somali aggression despite the fact that Mengistu was probably the most famous dictator. Above all, the opposition party leaders are fighting with each other and the party is in disarray and it is highly questionable if the opposition can play a significant role in advancing democracy in Ethiopia.
Therefore, we appeal to you to carefully review and dissect this ill- conceived bill and its far-reaching ramifications. HR 2003 is a very unfortunate legislation that has evolved at this delicate time in the Horn of Africa. In short, HR 2003 is against the best interest of the United States and the Ethiopian people. Thus, we strongly appeal to you to say “No!” to HR 2003.
Araya Wolde-Giorgis, Ph.D.
Yared B. Mekonnen, LLB, AIC, CLDP
Bereket Gebre-Egziabher, Pharm. D.”
Bizarre as the letter sounds, it is clear it was the product of TPLF’s ringleaders than ‘concerned Ethiopian Americans’ about terrorism, opposition politics and democracy. Their elaborate diversion of the atrocities of the TPLF regime in the letter to US Senator was repeated years later when they came back as ‘Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Ethiopian American Forum’ and went on a rampage insulting and defaming innocent Ethiopians allover again.
Calling Ethiopians that protest against a self declare ethnic regime that is known to violet rights and kill and rob Ethiopians ‘Anarchist and Muslim terrorist’ and ‘friends of Ethiopian historical enemy’ is the lowest we have seen the agents gone down yet in the free world. The last time we saw such behavior was from a street tug; threatening to burn Journalist and activist Abebe Gelaw’s family in Addis Ababa and their house down. It seems TPLF’s agents with empty credential paused as Ethiopian Americans aren’t any better than the tugs they dispatch to do their dirty job. Can Ethiopians afford not to challenge individuals behaving like tugs defaming Ethiopians is the million dollar question that needs an immediate answer.
The two that claim to be educated seems well adjusted to live in the Free World as Citizens of the US and understand the rules and the laws of their adapted country. Knowing petitioning their government is their right protected under the US Constitution, they surly aren’t smart enough to understand protesting is the right of their compatriots, particularly against a brazen ethnic tyranny like Woyane half way across the world. After all, isn’t America the land of the free from tyranny they are protecting; hiding behind their Citizenship and TPLF at the same time?
In fact one of them, (Yared B. Mekonnen, LLB, AIC, CLDP) as he signed on the letter to Senator McCain claims to be a lawyer by profession but, yet he is willing to spew insult; defaming Ethiopians on behalf of a small time ethnic tyranny across the world. These are the kind of ‘functionally illiterate’ ‘intellectual prostitute’ the Founder of Free Africa Foundation, Prof. George Ayittey refers as the biggest problems sustaining brutal regimes in Africa. The question is why are they rooming the street without much challenge from the rest of the Diaspora to make them accountable for their transgression?
It is imperative Ethiopian organizations in Diaspora investigate willing individuals that are involved in disturbing and terrorizing the peace of Ethiopian in Diaspora through out US and Europe. Whether they are working for TPLF as agents or they are simply corrupt individuals protecting the regime that allowed them to cash-in in a system that seems to attract shady individuals from around the world. Either way, it is clear they are the army of TPLF that are causing havoc in our community for too long without consequences.
Independent Medias including ESAT, VOA or Germen Radio and civic organizations, including Ethiopian religious organizations must pursue the regime agents and corrupt individuals like the two above to make them live up to their responsibilities of the laws of the United States.
Further research and follow up will continue to find out the activities of the individuals in question and make them accountable. All freedom loving Ethiopians in Diaspora must take every effort to make the Free World TPLF’s agents free zone.
Innocent Ethiopians that commit no crime against their people would be better off to abandon the brazen ethnic regime and join the liberation movement before they incriminate themselves. If anything, the bribe Woyane offers is to incriminate the innocent in a hope of shielding itself from crimes of atrocity and corruption it committed since it came to power.
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