March 3, 2014
by T.Goshu
“I believe that hope and courage, not fear and timorous obedience, are the will of God. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is looking fear in the face and refusing to be intimidated. Courage is the fire fighter rushing into a burning building or the soldier going into battle, fully aware of the dangers they are facing but accepting the challenge to do what duty calls on them to do for something they believe in.”
That is how Harold S. Kushner, the author of a book titled, Conquering Fear: Living Boldly in an Uncertain World (2009) describes what courage and hope do really mean. What Kushner powerfully argues is that leading our lives (as human being) with a real sense of hopefulness and courageousness is essentially the will of God Who has created us in His own image; and blessed us to enjoy all things he has made available on this planet earth. And this, I strongly believe starts with our courage to face the fear that endangers our fundamental rights and dignities as human beings. It goes without saying that unless we either wittingly or unwittingly interpret things misleadingly, those fundamental values are so intrinsic to human beings. And to my understanding, what Kushner argues is so powerful in a sense that it is these fundamental values where religious and democratic values strongly converge. Kushner further argues that courage does not mean necessarily being fearless, but it is a determination to defeat the fear that endangers the very essence of our freedom as human beings. It is deeply unfortunate that it is this very essence of who we are and what we are is being grossly violated in our country.
Having stated this as an introductory part of my article, let me proceed to the viewpoints of mine I wanted to reflect under the topic I have chosen:
1. It is just a matter of about three months to receive a one- year anniversary of a political event that has sparked a great deal of courage and hope in our country. It was the month of June last year that the youngest political party (the Blue Party) with an overwhelmingly youth membership patriotically echoed the voices of the people in the streets of Addis Ababa. It was with this truly courageous political step that the party was able to break the silence that has terrifyingly griped the people since2005. In other words, the party has powerfully voiced the voices of the innocent people of Ethiopian in the streets of Addis Ababa; and has challenged the incredible degree of fear of eight years as the result of the brutal political crime committed by the ruling party. That very traumatic political episode was and is a bitter experience that will never be forgotten as simple as anything. However, what is absolutely important at this movement in time and the challenges ahead of us is not lamenting what happened in the past; but learning a serious lesson and move forward. That is why we have to sincerely be appreciative and supportive of the political reawakening being brought forward by the Blue Party and other opposition forces such as UDJ (Andinet), All Ethiopian Unity Organization and those of the “thirty-three”.
The Blue (Semayawi Party) has shown its seriousness about paying any necessary sacrifice if the dream for living with political freedom, civil liberty, human dignity, peace and shared prosperity should become a reality. We have witnessed how the party and its members as well as supporters had to face a very cruel intimidation and mistreatment when they tried to decry not getting any response from the government of TPLF/EPRDF to the very legitimate demands they made during the demonstration that broke the silence of years. There is no doubt that the party (Semayawi) has challenged the notorious fear imposed by the ruling party which is determined to stay in power and to achieve the end (goal)it sets by any means . It goes without saying that the end of the political game for the ruling party is nothing, but staying in power and advancing the voracious economic interests of its own as well as the deadly parasitic cronies (political cadres and so-called investors). Semayawi and its supporters and the people who desperately want to see a democratic change in their country were deprived their rights of voicing their voices in the streets of their own country. Sadly enough, they were told to go to the Janmeda which was another desperate attempt by the ruling party with a very foolish assumption that isolating people’s voices (political quarantine) is the best means to stifle the truth and to continue its evil-driven political agenda. And of course that is the very stupidity all tyrannical and dictatorial regimes do share.
With all the notoriously nonsensical responses from the ruling party, Semayawi keeps moving with its legitimate and peaceful protests against the dehumanizing situations Ethiopians continue to face not only within but in every corner of the world. Needless to say, the very root cause for all the sufferings of Ethiopians both within and abroad is the gross violation of political freedom, the deprivation of human and socio-economic rights of the people by a terribly tyrannical ruling circle.
Yes, what happened and is happening to our sisters and brothers in Saudi Arabia was and still is one of the self-explanatory situations we have to face and continue to face. It was deeply shocking to watch the ruling party security forces and police harassing, intimidating and beating up those who joined the protest against the inhuman treatment on Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia right in front of the Saudi Embassy in Addis Ababa. On the other hand, it was truly admirable when Semayawi keeps moving forward despite all sorts of dangerously hostile environments imposed by the inner ruling circle of TPLF/EPRDF which keeps going from serious political madness to a much more chronic political illness.
Another patriotic march for the preservation and protection of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ethiopia was organized by Semayawi that took place in the city of Gondar. As we witnessed, the ruling party and the regional government officials (the simple tools of the ruling party) tried to disrupt the demonstration with all kinds of means which emanated from a very deep desperation and frustration of the TPLF/EPRDF. We on the other hand, have witnessed how Semayawi and the people of Gondar heroically challenged the notoriously dangerous threat from the regional ruling party and its government; and successfully held the demonstration through which a powerful message was sent to the ruling elites and their executive machinery.
2. Another courageous and encouraging political reawakening was undertaken and is being undertaken by Unity for Democracy and Justice (Andinet). The first round of peaceful and legitimate political move under the theme of “Millions of Voices for Freedom” was a very commendable progress. Given the very hostile (dangerous) political propaganda and action by the ruling party and its associates both in the preparatory stage and during the actual staging of the demonstrations in various cities of the country, the determination by UDJ’s members and supporters was truly patriotic.
The steps taken by the party (Andinet) in making itself (within) more effective so that it could out-smartly deal with the dirty political game of the TPLF/EPRDF is also truly encouraging. Making its leadership very inviting and open to energetic and capable young politicians is so commendable and truly inspiring. The ongoing efforts to create close cooperation and much more practical coordination between Andinet and All Ethiopian Unity Organization deserves due appreciation and encouragement, and of course all necessary support.
The recently staged massive public protest against an extremely disturbing and outrageous rhetoric by the vice president of the Amahara Regional government, Ato Alemnew Mekonnen was not just a protest as we know before. It was a huge and serious public outrage that has sent a highly alarming message to the ruling elites who look determine to perpetuate their political power with the continuation of the dehumanization of the innocent people of Ethiopia. Well, it has to unequivocally be noted here that it is neither unexpected nor uncommon that the so-called Amahara National Democratic Movement (Beaden) is the group with a bunch of people who had been put together to advance the very agenda and mission of TPLF. This may sound hard to believe especially to those who are victims of the highly hypocritical and cynical propaganda of the ruling circle. But, such a dirty political propaganda cannot change the reality on the ground whatsoever. Not only this, but the Movement (Beaden) is led by individuals who do suffer from an incredible degree of incompetence (stupidity) and the terrible lack of being considerate to their own human common sense ( conscience). In other words, leaving aside the political rationale and a sense of self-confidence, those leaders of ANDM have lost even a certain sense of moral and ethical values. That is why I strongly argue that the very idiotic words of mouth of the Movement that have been thrown up through the mouth of Alemnew Mekonnen are not surprising. What should be very disturbing and deeply worrisome is if we as a people do not draw a bottom line of tolerating the political game that has caused an incredible degree of national disgrace.
I want to note here that although the question of whether the ongoing courageous and encouraging momentum can keep moving forward with a more sustainable, determined and effective manner is open to debate , there is no doubt that the way and manner it currently appeared is truly inspiring and deserves a critical support .
The preparation to launch the second round of “Millions of Voices for Freedom” by UDJ in collaboration with other genuinely concerned opposition political forces gives us a strong reason to be more optimistic about the shortening of the untold sufferings of the people . Yes, our strong reason to be more optimistic is that “the Voices of Millions for Freedom” will transform themselves to “the Actions of Millions for the Actualization of Genuine Freedom.” It is powerfully true when Carne Ross (The Leaderless Revolution: How Ordinary People Will Take Power and Change Politics in the 21st Century, 2011) argues that, “One person becomes a group, then becomes a movement; one act believed in and repeated by others becomes material, dramatic change.”
3. When it comes to the demand for religious freedom that has been and is being violated by the ruling party, the Ethiopian Muslims’ peaceful and legitimate movement was and is so courageous and truly encouraging. Though it “apparently” seems calming down these days, the peaceful and legitimate Ethiopian Muslims’ movement against the political intrusion in their religious freedom has played an exemplary role not only in terms of religious freedom but also in terms of advancing the struggle for the realization of human rights/dignity and the prevalence of justice for all. As one of the very deep-rooted problem of the ruling party is considering all movements of dissenters or demands for due respect for basic rights as the threats of its unchecked power, it had to arrest, torture and accuse those coordinating committee members of the movement of involving in “act of terrorism”.
What is horribly disturbing is when those religious leaders (both Muslims and Christians) who allowed themselves to be parts of the tyrannical political game to the extent of asking the government to silence those who decry the gross violation of their religious freedom. Should this kind of extremely wicked and deadly dangerous mix between politics and religion be challenged in a more persistent, coordinated and determined way of doing things? I absolutely believe that it should be!! I strongly believe that those political cadres in religious clothing (Bishops, pastors and Sheikhs) should unequivocally be told that they should make their minds, regret about the dirty game they have been muddling for long enough. Yes, they must be strongly reminded that they desperately need either to make their minds or discharge their spiritual mission appropriately or take of their religious clothing, and the Holy Cross (Orthodox) they are using to deceive the innocent followers and join the political army of the ruling party. This argument of mine sounds harsh to those who are victims of the politico-religious propaganda of TOLF/EPRDF. But, that is the hard fact we have to face!
It is very unfortunate that the ruling elites are not willing and able to pull back their merciless political machinery and ask themselves what went terribly wrong for the last two decades, and try how to get out of it. What we continue to witness is the continuation of a deadly political agenda of the TPLF/EPRDF even after the death of its heart and mind, Ato Meles Zenawi. The living ruling elites who have proved themselves to be the brain-children of the late prime minister who was of course self-evidently hypocritical, cynical and arrogant found themselves in a very serious state of confusion and desperation. They had clearly shown their frustration and devastation when he was terminally ill and at the time of his death and afterwards. The people of Ethiopia were officially told (better to say warned) that they had to show their “love” to a person who was not only “the great leader of Ethiopia but also of all Africa.” The living inner circle of the ruling party and all the parasitic political cadres did not take time to make themselves busy with the propaganda of inculcating the cult of their dead mentor in the minds and hearts of the people. They tried hard to the extent of indoctrinating that the country was under the control of the ghost of their late brain-father.
They are still trying to perpetuate their political power and economic control with the indoctrination of the personal cult of “the legacy of the great leader.” Needless to say that Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn who was politically nurtured by his late mentor, Ato Meles Zenawi has moved into the grand palace with the fake blessing of the very inner circle of EPRDF which is of course merely the creation of TPLF and being used as a “Trojan horse” for the continuation of the dirty political game of divide and rule. And there is no doubt that Ato Hailemariam Dasalegn himself knows very well that his role is nothing, but to be a mere speaking tool for those who practically control the direction and speed of the “Trojan horse”.
Ato Bereket Simon insulted the eighty percent of the population (farmers and pastoralists) to the extent of saying that this overwhelming majority of the population “should lay down if we (EPRDF) told them to do so.” And he further told us with his sense assurance that this section of the population “do say nothing whatever wrong doing we (EPRDF) do.” Now, his brain-child, Ato Aleminew Mekonnen has thrown up his extremely idiotic words of moth not only right on the faces of the Amahars but the innocent people of Ethiopia in general.
To stress once again, the political reawakening that was sparked by Semayawi last year and inspiringly reinforced by other political parties and movements makes a real sense of courage and hope.
There is no doubt that the peaceful and legitimate movement of Ethiopian Muslims has a remarkable role not only by decrying the ugly mix between politics and religion, but also in the struggle for justice and freedom.
Will all these encouraging and courageous fights against ethnic-based tyranny pave the way for the most desired destination (freedom, justice, equality, shared prosperity)? I optimistically say YES!
4. But, I want to say that this cannot be possible without considering certain factors which help things happen in the way we aspire to happen. I am well aware that the following factors of progress are not new at all. They are almost becoming the languages of our political dis-course in various forms, media, arguments, debates and etc. But, believing that it is absolutely necessary to repeatedly remind ourselves about those factors of success story, I want to jot down them as follows:
a) I strongly believe that the most critical factor for success is the willingness and ability to make a constant, rationally critical, wisely tolerant and constructivelyinward –looking political work. Simply put, democratic values and principles, and a real sense of resolving disputes/disagreements or conflicts of ideas with a real sense of civility should be developed as an internal culture of any interest group let alone a political party that claims to be capable of leading a country of ninety million people with considerable diversity. It must be noted here that a relatively developed democracies are so messy leave alone in a country that has never had any democratic culture or experience in the real sense of the term. Almost all of us who either are founding members of a party or those who join later as members are highly vulnerable to the political culture of personalizing the disagreements on issues, not taking them as matters that are expected to be dealt with in the spirit of working relationships. That is why we get surprised and panic whenever hear or see individuals dismembering themselves from the political party they belonged to. I am not saying the reason they distance themselves should not be taken into consideration and dealt with accordingly. What I am saying is that it is politically naïve to run away from a party whenever that party faces problems instead of trying hard and help the party to resolve its problems and move forward. I do not want to generalize things. But I have to say that the political mind set of “If my political arrogance (naivety) has no place, I am out” is the ugly face of our political culture. And I think that is why we keep breeding factions after factions or groups after groups instead of brining the already multiplied groupings closer and together.
b) There is a pressing need to work hard (aggressively) on creating a unified way of doing politics, if not creating a much more rationally meaningful and sustainable cooperation and coordination among political parties whose major national agenda and programs are so similar. The move by Andinet and AEUP and those of ‘the thirty-three’ is an encouraging example.
c) There is another pressing need with respect to the relationships between/among those parties which may have considerable differences of some issues to deal with. It has to be strongly underscored that those issues of differences should be dealt with rationally, wisely, constructively and amicably and be the sources of strength and togetherness, not the other way round. There is a need to minimize, if not avoid engaging in a very undesirable and damaging political rhetoric. The politics of mere name calling and playing the blame game is one of the greatest enemies of making a meaningful difference throughout our political history. Let me reiterate that I am not saying the politics of “touch not me or leave alone” should not be challenged and engaged. What I am trying to say is that the way we challenge and engage should be rationally critical, issue- focused, truly constructive and forward-looking.
d) Needless to say, one of the very undesirable trends of our political culture isleaning heavily towards our past of which we have gone through with all our strong and weak sides of experiences. There is no doubt that this kind of sentiment which is vulnerable to irrational and destructive behavior and action needs serious attention and a truly wise way of dealing with. The two extremes of looking at our past: “United Ethiopia” regardless of the legitimate concerns about the need to deal with the troubling elements of our history on the one hand, and the tendency of dismissing or denying the strong side of our history on the other hand requires a genuinely concerted effort. It is self-evident that as the ruling party which is actually controlled by TPLF is the driving force of this ugly political game of divide and rule, the struggle for making a concerted effort shouldn’t be expected to be easy. But, there is no any other plausible choice except dealing with it rationally, tolerantly, and with mutual understanding that leads to the creation of living in a real sense of unity within diversity. And this responsibility heavily rests on the shoulders of all genuinely concerned political opposition forces. I strongly believe that the very efforts of opposition political forces in this regard should be undertaken by each individual member and supporter with strong conviction, not just at the very top of the leadership.
e) I truly believe that the messages of opposition political forces needs to be worked out and channeled in the form of break down instead of in the form of generalization. To be clear, it is much more understandable and effective if our messages aimed at more specific areas of interests that immediately and directly affect certain target groups. For example, farmers and pastoralist, civil servants , students, business community, professional associations , labor unions , women, artists, the armed forces and police and etc… Yes, all these and other target groups in one way or another are victims of the miserably ill-guided political agenda of TPLF/EPRDF. However, there is a need to articulate and address their particular and immediate concerns, and show them that the success of the ongoing struggle is the only ultimate and reliable solution for the general crisis they are facing.
f) Finally, it would be very unfair for me if I sum up this piece of writing of mine without expressing one critically important input if we are really serious enough about the realization of a democratic change we desperately aspire. Imagine how it is enormously hard to make a political commitment and operate in a country under a ruling party that never hesitate to use its deadly machineries to crash and destroy not only an organized opposition but also any citizen who dissents from its way of doings. That is exactly what has happened and continue to happen to those opposition forces I tried to mention just as examples. If we agree on this political reality going on in our country, the logical question will be: Do not those compatriots who are trying their best to contribute to the struggle for freedom and justice deserve our support in any way we can? I absolutely believe they do and should! It absolutely does not make any sense to start an engine of a vehicle and try to drive it to a destination we want be without an adequate amount of fuel in it. Needless to say, when it comes to the price/sacrifice for freedom and justice, things are more complex and extremely hard. Do not get me wrong here that I am saying we have to extend our support (material, financial, moral and etc.) to those who are at the very front of the struggle without being critical. What I am trying to say is that there is a very pressing need to extend our support with along with our rationally critical and constructive views and ideas.
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