Sunday, October 20, 2013

An Honest Man apologizes to Ethiopia for Giving TPLF a Chance to Dismantle our Country

Posted by: admin    Tags:      Posted date:  October 18, 2013  |  No comment

Editor’s Note: Now and then, we find a great person among us that spills out his or her gut. This person goes forward and says it like it is no matter what happens or no matter who says what. In such a dishonest and lost world, thank God, we still have good people among us.
One such great man is Ato Berhane Worku who publicly apologized to Ethiopia for committing the fatal error of bringing Ethiopia to the edge of destruction today. Ato Berhane apologized for all of us who one way or another contributed to the problem Ethiopia is going through at the hands of TPLF. By adapting a foreign ideology called Marxism in Ethiopia and willing to kill or die for it, we gave Ethiopia’s enemies like TPLF and others a chance to dismantle Ethiopia.
Ato Berhane asked the youth not to do anything in a rush in order to avoid the mistakes he and his generation made earlier. He urged and pleaded the young generation to take over and save our country with patience, great caution, and wisdom.

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