Thursday, April 9, 2015

Prominent Kenynan businessman Jacob Juma accused Ethiopia of supporting the terrorist group al-Shabab to destabilize Kenya.

TODAY: 4/10/2015, 11:03:54 PM
Jacob Juma
Prominent Kenynan businessman Jacob Juma accused Ethiopia on Sunday of supporting the terrorist group al-Shabab to destabilize Kenya.
“Uhuru [Kenyan President] needs to ask African Union & UN to investigate Ethiopia on its secret supply of arms and support to Al-Shabaab. Ethiopia is a suspect.” Said Juma via Twitter.
“Jubilee government must deal with Ethiopia and Kenyan Somalis to end terrorism in our country. Ethiopia supplies Al-Shabaab with guns and intel.”
Juma believes Ethiopia wants to control the Horn of Africa by using the terrorist group to destabilize Kenya’s stability and its vibrant economy.
Juma maybe right. Eritreans have long suspected the Ethiopian regime of seeking to undermine Kenya’s economic position in the region so as to present itself as the more stable and viable option for Western companies.
Despite 6 million Somalis living in Ethiopia and its invasion and occupation of Somalia, not a single Al-Shabaab attack has been carried out within Ethiopia, adding more suspicion that the terrorist group maybe working with the Ethiopian dictatorship.

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