Apologies and Compensations by Britain and The Netherlands
Two European nations, Britain and The Netherlands, have finally come to terms with the
demand for justice by apologizing to and compensating the people of Kenya and Indonesia,
respectively, for the crimes committed by the former colonial powers over half a century ago.
Status of the Fascist Crimes Against Ethiopia with the Complicit Support of the Vatican
The Vatican is still being awaited to express its apology to the Ethiopian people for its
complicity with the Fascists. The Italian government needs to pay adequate reparations to
the Ethiopian people for the huge war crimes perpetrated by the Fascists in Ethiopia where
one million people were massacred and huge quantities of properties were also destroyed.
Looted Ethiopian properties still remain in the hands of the Vatican, and the Italian
Britain’s Apology and Compensation to Kenya
It has been reported that 90,000 Kenyans were killed and 160,000 were “forced into
concentration camps” during the 1950’s. For more details please check the following link at Al
Jazeera (by James Reinl, June 7, 2013):
In a news item entitled: “Kenyans celebrate Mau Mau compensation win”, James Reinl stated:
“Making a landmark apology before Britain’s parliament, Foreign Secretary William Hague
expressed regret over “abhorrent violations of human dignity” that took place more than
half a century ago.”
In addition to the formal and public apology, Britain agreed to an out-of-court settlement for
the payment of $30.5 million at the rate of $4,100.00 compensation per claimant to a total of
5,200 victims. Thus, although the compensation is obviously low compared with the number of victims, nevertheless, the fact that Britain owned up to its past crimes against the Kenyan
people deserves appreciation and, hopefully, leads the way for a more just settlement.
The Netherlands Government’s Apology and Compensation to Indonesia
In a news item entitled: “Netherlands apologises for Indonesian colonial killings” dated
September 12, 2013, AFP (Agence France-Presse) reported the historic action by the
Government of the Netherlands that offered its formal and open apology at Jakarta to the
Indonesian people for the “mass killings” undertaken by the Dutch military during 1945-49. It is
also reported that the Dutch government has offered Euros 20,000 to each widow of those
massacred (40,000) during the colonial days. For more details, the following link may be
Dutch Ambassador for Indonesia Tjeerd de Zwaan (centre) meets surviving family members of victims of
mass killings committed by the Dutch military between 1945-1949 after a ceremony in Jakarta, Indonesia, on
Thursday. Photo: AP
What Do the Actions by the British and Dutch Governments Exemplify?
The compensations offered and the formal apologies expressed by the two governmets to the
Kenyan and Indonesian peoples, respectively, reflect important principles of humanity and
justice. Among other things, it clearly indicates the British, and Dutch governments’ admirable
capacity to own up for their past war crimes. The actions clearly emphasize the fact that such
crimes have no stay of execution. Therefore, even though the British and Dutch massacres and atrocities in Kenya, and Indonesia, respectively, took place over sixty years ago, the
Governments finally faced their obligations squarely and apologized to the Kenyan and
Indonesian people.
The British and Dutch apologies and compensations also reflect their respect for the
Governments and people of Kenya and Indonesia who had suffered a massacre at the hands
of an invading, colonial army. By their honorable action, the British and Dutch governments
have set an excellent example for the international community, especially the Vatican, and
Italy, in the war crimes committed in Ethiopia.
Therefore, the governments and peoples of Britain and the Netherlands as well as those of
Kenya and Indonesia deserve the fullest accolade for facilitating a closure for the atrocities
committed during the colonial days.
Fascist Italy’s War Crimes Committed in Ethiopia with the Vatican’s Complicity
The following war crimes and devastation was committed in Ethiopia by Fascist Italy with the
complicit support by the Vatican during 1935-41:
(a) One million Ethiopians were massacred of whom 30,000 were killed within only
three days in Addis Ababa; and at least 15,000 people were killed as a result of the
poison gas sprayed by numerous Fascist airplanes in many parts of Ethiopia;
(b) 2,000 churches, 525,000 homes, and 14 million animals were destroyed;
(c) Vast quantities of Ethiopian properties looted from Ethiopia.
Fascist Atrocity in EthiopiaPope Pius XI’s representative, Cardinal Gaspari, and Mussolini signing the Lateran Treaty
A Vatican Clergy Blessing the Fascist Army
Justice Owed to the Ethiopian People
The Global Alliance for Justice – The Ethiopian Cause (www.globalallianceforethiopia.org) is in
the process of conducting an international campaign to achieve the following objectives:
1. A Vatican apology to the Ethiopian people for its complicity with the Fascists;2. Adequate compensation by the Italian Government to the Ethiopian people for the
huge loss in lives and property they sustained as a result of the Fascist war crimes;
3. Restitution of Ethiopian properties by Italy, and the Vatican which, for example, has
over 500 Ethiopian documents in its custody;
4. The dismantlement of the monument established by Italy for the Fascist “Butcher of
Ethiopia”, Rodolfo Graziani, at Affile, a town southeast of Rome; and
5. The inclusion of the Fascist war crimes in Ethiopia in the records of the United
International Appeal
The international community, including the United Nations, the European Union, the African
Union, the Vatican, and the Italian government should take a leaf from the excellent example
set by Britain and the Netherlands which have demonstrated their respect for human rights and
justice by apologizing to and compensating the Kenyan and Indonesian victims of their colonial
massacres. It is time that the Ethiopian people who have been awaiting the justice that has
been due to them for over 75 years are duly compensated in terms of a formal apology,
reparations, restitution of properties, and recognition as stated above so that, finally, a
closure will be achieved.
*Although the content of this article is the responsibility of the author, the helpful suggestions
by Dr. Girma Abebe, Dr. Mikael Wossen, and Mr. Deneke Hailemariam are greatly appreciated.
Kidane Alemayehu is a retired United Nations expert
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