The Ethiopian ruling government headed by TPLF has waged war against its people by the name of terrorism. The regime labels anyone speaking out his or her democratic rights as terrorist, and use extreme violence and brutal action against government opposition and the general population, in order to silence dissents. The action remains a tragic and painful scar across the population.
Now the regime prepares a new proclamation for the National Security intelligence Service (NISS). This new proclamation gives absolute power for NISS and its agent’s.
The Service shall have security powers and duties to
1/ oversee the issuance of national identification card;
2/ Any person shall have the duty to cooperate, when so requested, in furnishing intelligence or evidence
necessary for the work of the Service
3/ Whosoever intentionally or negligently fails to respect fully or partially the duties stipulated under sub-article (1) or (2) of this Article shall be punishable in accordance with the relevant provisions of Criminal Code
4/ Any person requested to furnish intelligence or evidence pursuant to subarticle (1) of this Article shall have the duty to keep the request for or the furnishing of the intelligence or evidence as confidential.
5/ The composition and size of the security force shall be determined by the body in charge of providing security protection service
The national intelligence and security service agents on their duty they will take any action on the suspect if they have to kill they will kill in broad daylight the new proclamation give them that much power. The NISS well known among ethiopians by killing ,kidnapping ,torturing the NISS controlling the economy and the power . the NISSowens secret prisons and detention center in different part of the country located in tigray, oromia, addis ababa ,they uses this detention center to tortur and get information from the oppositions and suspected peoples from different background.the secret detention and prison in addis ababa owned by tigryans and tigray origin properties such us vilas and compounds in every keble and district ,the NISS infrastructure among the population with in five person one an agent for NISS and every government and civil organization controlled by the agenceythe regime and The national intelligence and security service they control all independent buddies and organization throughout the country.
Source of critic
the new proclamation in amharic
the new proclamation in english
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