by Betre Yacob
A mass grave has been discovered in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, containing at least 6 bodies of young men, who may have been executed in the past few years.
The identities of the bodies are still remained unclear.
The grave was accidentally found in the area called Ferensay-legasion, inside the barracks of the third army battalion, by road construction workers, who was digging the ground with excavator for road construction.
Witnesses said that the excavator first pulled out two bodies wrapped in blankets and again another four bodies each wrapped in blankets of identical colors. According to witnesses, two of the bodies were still in hand-cuffs and one other had his hands tied behind his back.
So far, authorities have said nothing. But, many are pointing their figures at the EPRDF, the ruling party in Ethiopia.
Witnesses say that the blankets did not lose their original colors and labels and that also indicates the executions were not carried out that long ago.
“It is not doubtful they are victims of the current regime”, a journalist witnessed the event said. “Look! The grave was found in the barracks of the army; on the top of that the blankets didn’t get old; even some of the bodies were in a good condition—they were not totally decomposed.” he explained
Reports indicate that the grave area was immediately fenced off by the army, and the bodies were taken by the federal police.
Ethiopia is one of the nations which are under brutal dictatorial regimes. The ruling party, EPRDF, has frequently been accused by human right organization of mass killings. It is known for arresting, torturing, and killing its opponents.
“It is a grim reminders of the Meles Zenawi era”, A political analyst in Addis Ababa told theHorn Times, East African Website.
“How many more mass graves are we going to uncover in the coming years in this city purged by the regime with unparalleled audacity? It would be the biggest flagrant miscarriage of justice if the ICC chief prosecutor Madam Fatou B let the panicking EPRDF warlords off the hook. It is incumbent up on her to send a team of investigators to Addis Ababa without any delay.
“ This blood curdling discovery has exposed the nation’s festering wounds and further complicated the dreadful ethnic fault line created by the ruling party in May 1991. I personally know that then federal police boss; the snarling evil Workeneh Gebeyhu used the third infantry battalion compound as the headquarters of operations in 2005. He quit the post last year and where is he today? The nation is crying for justice.” he explained.
“EPRDF warlords thought they found a safe spot to store remains of the barbarically executed non-combatant, peaceful protesters. Mass grave right under the nose of the international community and the people of Ethiopia. This crime scene is full of the telltale fingerprints of the dead former ruler Meles Zenawi….” he added.
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