Monday, January 27, 2014

Fairness in Immigration Policy (RIA)

What would justice in the immigration policy say?

It's nice to discuss asylum policy. It is also necessary because the conversations have the ability to provide important answers and solutions. It required all political parties and forces for good in Norway.Are you for free immigration? How to measure asylum policy has been fair? Here are some budding answer:
Let me as Chairman of RIA share some experiences. I have lived close to other nations from 1997. First, in the east of Paris, then as a priest in Sandnes and now as head of integration through IMI Church and as Chairman of the livsynsuavhengige combat organization Fairness in asylum policy. Here are some of my suggestions:
There are obviously people who do not have a case. I find it fast when I ask them to identify securities that refutes rejection reasons. They are not. Here I am not talking about those who have difficulty with documentation of imprisonment and torture. Here are the stories more fuzzy. Then it is important to send them back quickly. It needed new processes.
Then there are people who are actually impossible to send home.Although voluntary return can not always do. Either because there is not adequate or because Norway did not return appointment. When such an uncertain situation gets going in 5-15 years as needed cleanup. It's not about huge number, but I think you have to say that actually it is not grounds for stay, but as a nation it is neither morally or economically viable to let people go in uncertain without being able to work in 5-15 years. The worst I've seen so far is 18. Parts of possession with tax.
The asylum interview is also the place where we often come out crooked. Here's one from deep skeptical homeland police and many asylum seekers eludes to put all cards on the table. The interpreter is often from home and feared tysting (multiple items. At the the Ethiopian community in Trondheim) Thus, lying on one id, one does not speak of torture. Not at once. Having been refused and had time to compose himself and understand that the cops are on our side, so get the right version. Then it is too late, they called criminal because you lied about the id and the train is good. Filming of the asylum interview that the Foreign Ministry has proposed and qualified assessor will help to a fair asylum policy. Many meetings now alone without a lawyer. In Sweden, appointed assessor from NGOs with expertise.
Legal aid is often incomplete. 5 hours free is too small and many have never met his lawyer over the phone or at a short meeting. It will require some confidence before one talks about rape etc. Here needed change to give Norway a fair asylum policy.
Splitting of families, distribution of converted Christians throughout Muslim countries are other problem areas requiring change. Barns best greater extent than today. It is these points RIA jobs to see the change within.
Integration is very important. Therefore, free immigration be a bad idea and demanding. Asylum ratio is small relative to labor. It should be working for a better balance between how much space we give job seekers rather than those with protection needs. To be able to determine their own country and until Norway as an asylum seeker you have submitted a resume full of skill and initiative. We often speak highly skilled people who will be a dream for Norwegian workers.
So it is possible in the long term, we must limit the number of new work permits per year and such industry control it. Possible changes that we make it less likely to stay on the streets until you Possibly find a job. To enable us to find space for more of the 10,000 asylum seekers every year manage to find their way to Norway. What if we even busier headhunter people from conflict areas. Syria is such an area where we as a nation of little help in dealing with the massive refugee flows because of war. Kvoteflykting system via the UN is a way to be more proactive than today.
An interesting figure is that there are currently 50,000 lives solflyktninger from Norway in countries like Thailand and Spain. This we consider as a natural right because we have money. That we are a rich country because of the unique natural resources that we have not done anything to get on the seabed, that we have piled us handelsrettighter and benefits that closes many countries there, we basically became rich when Europe plundered Africa, Asia and South America, we forget easily.
RIA is a common interest to all who will contribute to the Norwegian asylum policy more equitable than today. The Board and among core troops there are many kinds of age, religious and cultural backgrounds. Here is the place for you. We are agile organization, the Board's task is to cheer on the dagger initiative and assist the ideas turn into successful projects. We need your membership to gain more and more weight in the debate, we need your help with practical tasks by such mass action by the state, writing commutation petitions, help new citizens to find in Norway, visit the reception center for skjekke that conditions are satisfactory, print media, monitor social media, having duties in connection with the demonstrations and protests. We require that you register to us via blog or
Your ideas and suggestions are always instructive. Feel free to comment here on the blog or email me at (remove spaces)

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