January 17, 2014
The Dispute between the majority members and the few ex-trustees at the London St Mary Church of Debretsion has been affecting the Ethiopian community social cohesion in the UK. The last several months were grim and painful not only for our Christian community members and friends but also for the wider refugee community. The Church has been closed for about 10 Months and people could not peacefully attend mass and prayer services in their own church, which they bought by saving from their limited income over many decades.
Ethiopian Partnership in the United Kingdom (EPUK)
Email: ethiopianpartnersuk@hotmail.com
Website: www.partners.com
Email: ethiopianpartnersuk@hotmail.com
Website: www.partners.com
The Ethiopian Partnership in the United Kingdom *[1](EPUK) which has been established recently by five organizations has been following this unpleasant crisis very closely. It has also encouraged the elderly and independent mediators to approach both parties so as to resolve the dispute peacefully and democratically. However, the few ex-trustees failed to cooperate with the proposed initiatives. Furthermore, the situation instigated violence and criminal offenses by profane few ex-trustee supporters which are currently in the hands of the police and courts.
All those arrested for violence and public disorder were found to be the supporters of the few ex-trustees. Charity Commission has attempted to resolve the crisis peacefully by calling both parties for a meeting to discuss the problem. The Partnership has learned that the ex-trustees did not attend any of the three meetings to which they were invited by the commission. On 19 December 2013 Charity Commission issued a detailed action plan which clearly states the ex-trustees should communicate with the other party in order to arrive at an agreement. This includes: the peaceful opening of the church, the unfreezing of bank accounts, identification of members, and appointment of independent election supervisors and election of new trustees.
We very much hoped that the given action plan of the Charity Commission would be a good direction to resolve the dispute. Amazingly, in contravention to the action plan, these few ex-trustees with the help of more than 15 private security personnel and with nearly 100 Special Police Officers opened the church on 29 December 2013 without consulting and communicating with the other party. In addition to this most of the attendees were not members of St Mary’s Church.
This disrespect to religion and neglect of the majority members of the church has saddened and outraged the wider Ethiopian Community. It is not surprising that the majority members have completely lost trust in the clergy and the sanctity of the Holy Communion served by these reckless individuals.
The most irresponsible and dangerous phenomenon which has been materialized recently is the alliance between the so called refugees (ex-trustees) and the ethnic based regime which has committed genocide and ethnic cleansing in Ethiopia. Most of members of the Church are refugees or British Citizens of Ethiopian origin who escaped torture, imprisonment, and arbitrary killings by the incumbent regime.
The police are expected to protect the peaceful refugee community from further harassment by the notorious Human Rights Violator regime in Ethiopia. However, there are indications that they are working with the regime’s Embassy in London. Ethiopian refugees and British Citizens of Ethiopian origin need the support of the British Government, the international community and all other humanitarian organizations in order to stop further persecution and harassment by TPLF agents.
We request a public inquiry and investigation on the regime’s agents who are abusing the system and endangering the security of the genuine asylum seekers, refugees and British Citizens of Ethiopian origin in the UK. The Majority members of St Mary of Debretsion church need help and assistance to get their Church back and also to continue their peaceful life without fear and intimidation.
If you need further information please email to: ethiopianpartnersuk@yahoo.com
EPUK Committee
*[1] EPUK has been successfully established by five organizations in 2013 and is currently planning to hold a public meeting in February 2014 so as to consult and strengthen the partnership by involving all civic and political organizations in the UK.
sourse ecdfe
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