Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Statement from Ginbot 7 Regarding the Horrific Video of Murdered Civilians in the Ogaden Region

September 30, 2014
Ginbot 7, Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy is deeply saddened and outraged by the recent leaked video of barbaric killings of civilians suspected of supporting the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF). Anyone with a conscience should be disturbed by the brutal scenes and sounds of hundreds of civilians whom the regime’s security forces have raped, tortured and killed.Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy
Once again this video is a stark reminder to all Ethiopians, irrespective of their ethnic background and religious affiliation, that Ethiopia is ruled by a savage, blood-thirsty regime carrying out a reign of terror in all parts of Ethiopia.
There are no words of condolence that can adequately convey our sorrow, our sympathy for the victims and their families. The unfathomable brutality of the Tigrai People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) security forces dragging the dead corpses of alleged ONLF supporters in an act of coward savagery is an insult to the moral values of the Ethiopian people, and humanity in general
We affirm our just revulsion over these heinous crimes and call on those responsible for such a heinous crime to be held accountable.
There is no question that in the last 23 years the brutal TPLF regime has committed thousands of grave human rights violations against civilians in the Ogaden region and other parts of Ethiopia. Many of its most gruesome acts constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The TPLF brutal and merciless regime has stubbornly continued its unabated threats to annihilate any group that does not embrace its bankrupt ideology of ethnic politics which it zealously promotes to stay in power.
The people of Ethiopia want to live together in peace with their rights, dignity and freedom protected and respected like the rest of humanity. More than ever, it is high time and in their long term interest in the region for Western democratic nations that support the TPLF by financing, arming and training its security forces to take a very hard look at the moral and political hazards of forming an alliance with a barbaric regime that engages in wanton violence (mass executions, torture, war crimes, ethnic cleansing) against its perceived political enemies.Horrific Video of Murdered Civilians in the Ogaden Region
Donor countries need to stop burying their head in the sand and acknowledge the basic fact that the TPLF regime is a threat to the people of Ethiopia and the stability of the Horn of Africa. Where there is no justice, there will never be peace.
Let it be clear to all concerned that the status quo in Ethiopia is not sustainable. The Ethiopian people will prevail over the inhumane and brutal dictatorship of the fascist minority dictatorship of the TPLF.
Freedom and Justice for the People of Ethiopia!
sourse ecdef

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