Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ethiopians jailed for months in Kenya

Wednesday, August 7, 2013 @ 10:08 AM ed
Nairobi (The Star)–TWENTY five Ethiopians arrested in LungaLunga for being in the country illegally will serve four months each in prison. This is after they pleaded guilty to the charges against them yesterday.
The illegal immigrants include Israel Kebede, Tegaye Bichamo, Tamrat Dariso, Temesgen Teseme and Mola Debo. They were arrested on 26 July. Through an interpreter they said they entered Kenya through Tanzania.
They said they had been imprisoned in Tanzania for being there illegally as they headed to South Africa to look for jobs. Prosecutor Chief Inspector Peter Muiruri told the court that the Ethipoians were first offenders and that they have no any past criminal records. Kwale principal magistrate Elizabeth Macharia ordered the Ethiopians to pay fine of Sh20,000 each and be repatriated or serve four months each in prison.
However since they could not raise the amount they were taken to Kwale prison where they will serve four months imprisonment before being deported back to their country.

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