Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts in Ethiopia

The root cause of political problems in Ethiopia is national oppression by the Ethiopian empire state and refusal by the state to respect the rights of oppressed peoples to self-determination. The current Ethiopian regime has recognized in its constitution the right of self-determination with serious limitations imposed on the exercise of the right. The aspiration of the people to regain the fundamental freedom, which was snatched from them by brutal conquest, is supported by the principle enshrined in the UNO Charter and related international instruments. The Oromo and other oppressed peoples are endowed with the right to decide the form of sovereignty they want, whether on their own or in a union with others on the basis of freely expressed consent of all concerned parties. To bring genuine peace and stability imperial domination must be brought to an end. To realize this objective readiness by all concerned parties is necessary to solve the political problem peacefully. Policy of shelving political problems must cease. OLF is ready to go an extra mile in search of peaceful resolution of the political crisis in Ethiopia. The OLF is ready to contribute towards any meaningful peace effort, as it did in the past, to reach at a comprehensive settlement to bring peace to all peoples of the empire.

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