Friday, January 17, 2014

At least 47 killed in Somali Region, write elders to PM

January 17, 2014
 According to a letter submitted to Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalgn and also sent to ESAT exclusively by elders of the Yerer Bare Clan in Kelafo area, a fire opened by the Leyou (special) militia group that is led by the President of the Somali Regional State Abdi Muhammad Nur and General Abraham (Qatar) has killed 47 people including students that were in their classrooms. The names of the deceased have also been mentioned on the letter.
The elders have called Federal government to urgently rescue them.
Members of the Yerer Base Clan have said that they have been repressed by the Regional government and that they have been asking for a self governance right. They said, the actions that have been taken recently in Somali Region, Ethiopia look like those that had happened in the Apartheid years in South Africa.
UImer Hadj Muhammad, Muniyer Adabi Muhammad, Kalid Muhammad Abdi, Hassen Ali Beleh, Hashi Haji Muhammad, Madebo Muhammad Abdi, Hadji Nur Muhammad, Madebo Muhammad Abdi, Mehalem Kalye Dewhali, Abresa Adem Muhammad, Hadji Nur Muhammad, Morye Muhammad Karr, Galew Abdi Yenus, Yesuf Remsa Adem, Kaliban Sarah Umerneh, Usman Abdele, Teni Muhammad Tar, Delg Ali Umar, Kalid Muhammad Abdele, Hassn Male Abdulahi, Yesuf Yehe, Jemal Umer Tebah, Muhammed Usaman Tobele, Ahmed Muhammad, Ali Kasim Kelene, Babul Darur, Kere Bade, Man Oreye Bade, Toreye Awi Bade, Abdi Sheklele, Ali Usman Kelele, Limo Alebade, Madih Abdulnur and  Zuk Urr are among the victims of one of the shootings at Bakef Dir with twelve more others.
The elders have said following the tensions yesterday, more force has been deployed to the area since yesterday.
Residents say General Abraha, who moves and shakes the Region from behind, is responsible for the human rights abuses in the region.
The Region’s President could not respond or return calls from ESAT. The elders said the PM has not also given a response to the letter sent.

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