Saturday, August 31, 2013

Semayawi Party headquarters under siege

Saturday, August 31, 2013 @ 03:08 PM ed
Semayawi Party headquarters in Addis Ababa has been surrounded by a heavily armed Federal Police squad. Over 100 party members and organizers including the party chairman Eng. Yilkal Getnet have been put under siege. The party’s head of legal affairs Yidenekachew Kebede is reportedly arrested while talking to ESAT.
In a warning broadcast last night on the state-controlled radio and TV, the regime had threatened that it would take actions against any protests and agitations.  Yidenakechew told ESAT that the siege was illegal as is Semayawi Party was only organizing a peaceful protest. “It is a shame and upsetting that the government taking such an illegal measure. He said the party was only preparing for a peaceful protest it called for tomorrow.

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